For businesses, retaining the top talent is a challenge that you must meet head-on. With this in mind, how do you go about it? Do you use bonuses, benefits, and perks as your only incentives? Do you take into consideration the impact of your business premises?
While bonuses, perks, and benefits are critical in retaining your best talent, delve further into your staff’s needs and you will realize there are many other things that contribute to your staff’s wellbeing. Chief among them is your building.
“In a competitive business environment, providing your workers with a conducive working environment is critical,” tells us employee retention expert at GBS Corporate Training. Herein, we will explore how your building supports your effort in creating a satisfactory workplace environment.
#1. Appreciate Your Staff
Appreciating your staff member is important, as every business owner will reckon. However, the appreciation should go beyond the bonus packages that you give your staff or the spangly company Christmas events. You need to ensure that the building your staff works in is comfortable, clean, and clutter-free. Taking steps to ensure that workers work in a healthy environment is the epitome of appreciation.
As such, business owner should invest in the most effective and efficient air-conditioning system that meets their needs. Over and above this, business owners should also ensure the air-conditioner is well-maintained. Doing this goes a long way in mitigating sick building syndrome from occurring.
#2. Meet Your Worker’s Need to Extract Maximum Productivity
If you have heard your staff members complaining that “it is too hot/cold to work” you should be concerned. Such sentiments mean that they are not putting their best foot forward in their work. To correct this, you should start by ensuring that they have a comfortable working atmosphere constantly.
#3. Keep Communication Open
Open communication among staff members is a fundamental ingredient for a successful business as well as a happy workforce. Therefore, it is important that staff members at all levels are able to express their views and be heard. The building acoustics influence the effectiveness of communication. In fact, improving building acoustics will improve the accuracy of communication by 67%.
#4. Foster a Culture of Fairness
Excessively confined office spaces tend to create a feeling of workspace ownership. Some people end up feeling more important than others, which is never good for an organization. It is, therefore, important to ensure that all employees feel free working in your offices. Thus maintain an open layout or a flowing layout and utilize meeting rooms. In the end, organizations are less susceptible divisions of any kind.
#5. Achieve a Work / Life Balance
More and more employees are concerned about their work/life balance. This consideration plays a major role in determining your ability to retain your top talent. Luckily, it is flexible and working toward achieving this goal can feature a myriad of solutions. For instance, to improve the health of your workers, you can customize communal spaces to allow it. A good example is installing cycle parks to encourage people to cycle to work.
#6. Encourage Your Team to Meet Your Goals
You should spell out clear goals for every team and team members. However, beyond that, you should optimize your workspace to encourage workers to meet their goals. In this regard, you should offer quiet spaces with ample privacy to allow workers to work towards achieving your goals. With the expectations laid out and supporting facilities, you increase the chances of constantly meeting your targets.
#7. Reduce Workers’ Strain
For any company, it is of critical importance that your workers remain as fresh as possible for as long as possible. In this regard, you should work on mitigating unnecessary fatigue amongst your workers. One way of doing this is by improving the lighting of the building by encouraging natural sunlight to stream in. This negates eye strain, which can be a huge problem for workers.
In conclusion, there are numerous solutions to mitigate high staff turnover. As such, companies should explore all possible and effective approached to keep the workers motivated and happy while in the workspace. One way of doing this is by keeping the working environment conducive and well-managed. This will increase worker satisfaction and, therefore improve your chances of retaining your best workers. Professional property management will go a long way in ensuring you achieve this goal.