Personal Region Network
Personal Area Networks, or PANs, use Bluetooth technology to generate a quick-variety connection between various devices. Mesh topologies sustain a somewhat fixed routing infrastructure, utilizing a simplified version of the Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing scheme proposed for ad-hoc networks RFC3561 Cluster topologies have the advantage that coordinators and routers might sleep periodically to extend battery life, whereas their counterparts in mesh networks will have to retain constant availability.
Bluetooth: Bluetooth is an industrial specification for wireless personal area networks (PANs), also known as IEEE 802.15.1. Bluetooth provides a way to connect and exchange facts in between devices such as personal digital assistants (PDAs), mobile phones, laptops, PCs, printers, digital cameras and video game consoles through a safe, globally unlicensed quick-range radio frequency.
In 2005, Sony announced that the PlayStation 3 video game console would use Bluetooth to communicate with wireless gamepads and accessories Smith05 Sony has sold more … Continue reading >>>