Creating a Wide Area Network Example

A wide area network (WAN) is a telecommunication network used to connect computers. A wide area network typically contains smaller networks and is typically used in conjunction with packet switching or circuit switching. To create a WAN topology, first create a network diagram in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM. A network diagram helps you understand the underlying physical network. It is important to understand how each network type works and how it is organized.

WAN topology diagram

A WAN topology diagram displays the relationships between various nodes in a network. A network may consist of multiple hosts connected by cable or through a router. These networks are commonly used for computer networking and architecture. There are three basic types of WAN topologies: star, hub, and mesh. Each one requires different resources and additional efforts to operate. This article will introduce the different types of WAN topologies. A network diagram is a useful tool … Continue reading >>>

Ways in Which Your Business Can Benefit from A VPN

The Internet is a wonderful tool but a dangerous place too. Here, data is everything, and you need to protect it at all costs. And here comes VPN to your rescue.

Virtual Private Network(VPN) is your go-to go tool in cases of the requirement of high-end online security and a low IT budget. Let us know a few more details about this innovative online tool.


VPN acts as a multi-layer encryption security service. It hides your real IP address by assigning it a different address, packaging the original one. This protects your data from unknown cyber-attacks.

VPN, when combined with hardware and software service, provides enhanced security, often quoted as a private tunnel that channels data from home location to destination in a safe mode.

Various government policies allow online scrutiny of data, and sometimes, it poses a risk to the privacy of the business. VPNs such as TrueConnect Continue reading >>>

Manage Branch Office Networks Efficiently, Teldat Presents SD-WAN Technology Solutions

Managing networks is still one of the main challenges for companies or organizations around the world who are starting digital transformation initiatives. The traditional network model is no longer able to overcome the lack of agility, flexibility, and scalability to accommodate all changes in the company’s IT environment.

The rapid development of digital technology requires network service providers to manage network connectivity efficiently. The need to expand business operations and branch offices, especially in remote areas, by providing seamless connectivity remains an important challenge for the company.

Companies that have aligned strategies to accommodate all changes in corporate IT can more than double their revenue, retention, and profit growth compared to companies that don’t or only partially implement strategies in their IT landscape.

Companies that are looking for fast and cost-effective network solutions to maximize their network and operations in all branch offices consistently and securely are starting to turn … Continue reading >>>

Computer Network – Overview

If you’ve ever used a telephone, tracked a package with an overnight shipper, or purchased a new car from a dealership, you’ve used a network. Of course, they weren’t computer networks-they were, respectively, the phone company’s switching network, the overnight shipper’s package-tracking network, and the car manufacturer’s distribution network. And although these networks move phone calls, packages, and cars instead of computer data, they are examples that explain the fundamental purpose of a network. The single most important purpose of any network-computer or otherwise-is to link similar items together using a set of rules that ensures reliable service.

Computer Network - Overview

In the telephone network’s case, the rules have to do with what happens when you dial a phone number based on how many digits you dial: If you dial seven digits, it’s a local call; eleven digits is a long-distance call. For the overnight shipper’s network, the rule is that your package … Continue reading >>>

Most drivers would agree that nothing can be more devastating than not being able to find a parking space right when they need it. Not only is it a waste of time, fuel, and energy, it also creates traffic congestion and enraged driver.

mobile apps for parking lot service

Here’s how mobile technology would integrate with parking lot safety equipment.

For starters, we can’t deny the fact that drivers across the nation and around the world are starting to utilize websites, mobile apps, and other technological innovations to find a pay parking the easy way.

Major cities in the US are working on ideas on how to simplify the parking process, and if fate allows, mark a revolution in the parking industry.

The Combination of Several Technological Innovations

Engineers are now trying to combine GPS receivers, ultrasonic sensors, and cellular data sensors to come up with a budget-friendly, yet the highly effective solution for finding the … Continue reading >>>