Computer HistoryHewlett-Packard (HP), a technology corporation began in 1939, created its first laptop or computer in 1966. Even so, if you are not into computer systems or history, I am certain this spot will not impress you at all, but if you are a personal computer nerd – this location is Nirvana. A glossary of terms made use of in the MIT Multics literature , generally beneficial for old pc stuff (1965-1975). I love technology and mastering about history, but for a museum about computer history it was kind of boring! Computing in The Netherlands is shown in a military museum and at the Personal computer Museum at the Vrije Universiteit which shows, amongst other, paper tape and analog computer systems. If you use a certain curriculm, check to see if that enterprise presents a timeline package.

So the timeline can integrate your research in art, music, literature, and science, with … Continue reading >>>