Pc Service And Repair Technician Job Facts
The typical hourly wage for a computer repair technician was $18.53 as of Might 2012, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, or $38,550 annually. They may well ask for anyplace from a certification for entry level positions to a doctorate degree for the managerial. FAFSA : The No cost Application for Federal Student Help is the normal for all accredited schools, which includes computer technician. Now that you have a far better concept of what to take into consideration when selecting a program, take the subsequent step nowadays and browse this guide to computer technician coaching programs You could soon be pursuing the higher-tech career you have usually wanted!
Upon finishing a computer technician degree or system, there are actually hundreds of careers to pick out from. Basics courses such as math, science, and history are taken at a fraction of the cost and then transferred to the … Continue reading >>>