Things to Check In Dedicated Hosting Before Buying

Things to Check In Dedicated Hosting Before Buying

Buying a dedicated hosting server is a value-for-money option for building your hosting infrastructure. Additionally, dedicated servers offer superior performance, security, and customisation compared to shared web domain hosting.

However, buying a dedicated server requires a deep evaluation of dedicated server features before buying one. It is more than just getting comprehensive resources at low cost as it directly affects your webpage security. It is also imperative to know about the technical specifications, the support you get, etc.

In this article, we will explain what a dedicated server in Singapore is and what features one must look for before buying one.

What Is Dedicated Server Hosting For Your Webpage?

Dedicated server hosting is a hosting web service where a whole server is exclusively dedicated to a single customer. That means you have a complete, dedicated server that works entirely for the sole purpose of running your webpage app, etc.

You have your own RAM, CPU, and storage with exclusive control and flexibility to modify the resources and environment as per your needs. Like shared web hosting, there is no risk of one server environment causing security issues or harm to other servers.

Therefore, you can say dedicated hosting features offer a powerful hosting server that ensures performance reliability and enhances control over the server environment.

Things To Consider Before Buying Dedicated Server Hosting In Singapore

Some of the dedicated server features that you must consider before buying include:

1.     Performance Requirement

You need to understand the performance requirements of your webpage and, according to plan, your dedicated hosting server. This means that the performance requirement of a webpage with a traffic volume of 10,000 customers will be different from that of one with 1,00,000 customers.

Thus, considering your website’s performance requirement and then planning your hardware, software, bandwidth, storage, and other resources is essential.

2.     Downtime Affordability

Downtime is a crucial aspect to consider before buying dedicated hosting. Though dedicated hosting is a powerful server, it is still subject to glitches. Therefore understanding your affordability towards downtime is essential.

Usually, most web hosting companies offer more than 98% downtime, but in case you have an eCommerce business or a webpage subject to heavy traffic, then you need to get into more details about it.

3.     Network Security Of Server

A dedicated server should be well-protected against setting up a VPN or distributed DDOS with a firewall. It must also be a protected administrative system that is highly shielded by malware, as it will give away server interface information for access.

Therefore, you need to ensure that your web hosting provider offers dedicated server features like security audits, firewall configurations, and virus and spam filtering for their server.

4.     Backup

When you plan to buy a dedicated server, you must choose a provider that has a well-planned backup policy in place in case of server failure or glitches. They must have systematic protocols in place in case of any such disaster.

 Most hosting providers use a combination of physical and cloud storage for backup. So, before choosing a dedicated server, ensure the backup measures adopted by the dedicated web hosting provider.


Moreover, you also need to check several other dedicated hosting features, such as the control panel, operating system, and RAM storage, as they too are essential. Weigh the plans and compare all the aspects before buying your dedicated server.

Ensure there is a proper backup plan in place, as it will be a great support in case of failure. So evaluate and understand dedicated hosting features offered by the provider and check whether they are based on your hosting needs.

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