What is typically described as the car infotainment system is not one of the latest trends in cars. No these systems have been around for a very long time. More than 30 years ago the first car with an onboard console was released. However, the technology did not quickly catch on. There are a lot of reasons why the concept did not quickly catch on in the late 1980’s. Below are some of the very top reasons why the in-car screen is now a must-have in every car.
Why in-car Infotainment is a Top trend
Today there are very few if any cars that are being manufactured that do not have a sleek and easy to use the in-car console. The reasons why are explained in brief below.
- The User Experience is the most important factor considered in anything that is manufactured in this age. The reason is that there is a large amount of competition from around the world due to globalisation. Therefore each manufacturer has to make sure that users get a great experience. And the infotainment console easily creates conditions for a person to enjoy their car more. Before buying a car, make sure you browse through their website to see the features.
- Advancements in technology. The last 10 years have seen giant leaps in technology. There has been a lot of really cool technology that has been developed or improved to make it affordable to ordinary people. Because of the technology, it became cheaper and easy to develop in-car consoles that have more uses than just playing music.
- Smart Phone boom. The last two decades have seen people moving on to the mobile platform. As people became more and more accustomed to the use of tooth screens on their mobile phones the dangers associated with the putting a screen in the car became significantly less. Even entertainment news can now be accessed via a smart touchscreen. People are now so comfortable using smart touch screens that they are being used everywhere.